Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is there anything fun about changing health plans? NO!

Okay, let's cut right to the chase. I will leave out the names to protect the guilty. In December of last year, I received a notice from the insurance company that runs my company health plan. I received that notice BEFORE they notified my company! Seems they wanted to stop doing business in the state of Texas, which in itself is pretty astounding because Texas is probably weathering this international economic storm as well as any state. So, the powers that be at my company scrambled to find a replacement insurance health plan and they did quite well and come January 1, I was on a new health plan. I opted for the savings health plan, which has me donating each month toward a balance which is used toward my deductible when I require health services or a prescription. Sound familiar? Okay. So, in December we had an orientation meeting with the insurer and I discovered that Betaseron is not one of the prescription pharmaceuticals covered on the "approved list." So, I brought that up to the rep after the meeting and I was told not to worry, that she would look into it. About three weeks later, I still hadn't heard, so I make the call. She calls back a couple days later and guess what? Betaseron is approved and all I have to do is contact the mail order pharmacy to get the paperwork done. Let me give you the brief and almost unbelievable rundown on Betaseron. Betaseron is free! Normally it is no more than $50 per month, but effective last September, due to the economy, BetaPlus declared that Betaseron would be NO COST! As I just described it, would you say you understand what I am saying? Do I need to say anymore than that? Betaseron is no cost. That's right. You got it. Well, it wasn't so easy for the insurance company to understand. At first, I received a call from my doctor office and they said the the insurance company had denied the prescription for Betaseron. I say that's impossible because I did all the footwork up front. Well, a phone call to my insurance company rep was the next step. She said, no, you weren't denied. That's impossible. I give everyone each other's phone numbers; the insurance company, the pharmacy, the doctors office, and BetaPlus and I tell them to figure it out and call me when it is. Two weeks later, my insurance company rep calls and says, "I have good news, You are cleared for takeoff. And, the cost is $2,500 deductible and $50 per month!" I said, "No. Betaseron is no cost to me." She said, "No, your plan says $2,500/$50." So, I get my HR assistant involved and she says, "They're right. I can't help you." I said, "I know what's right and that isn't it. Thanks anyways." So the head HR person comes to my office. I give her the story and she says she understands that Betaseron is supposed to be no cost and she will try to help. I thanked her, because I was busy at work and didn't have time. By the end of the week, she emailed me with the message that she made no headway but she is working on it. After a couple sleepless nights on the weekend I figured out what I had to do. It was obvious to me that the insurance company was not hearing the message that BetaPlus said that Betaseron is no cost. I had to do something to kick the insurance company into gear. I had to hurt the insurance company where it hurt the most. Monday morning I called the insurance company rep and told her that in one hour I would be canceling my participation in the company health plan and I would contract for the Betaseron with BetaPlus myself, because as I had been telling her, with insurance or without insurance, the cost of Betaseron is $0. Well, that was the last thing she wanted to hear, because you know, the insurance business is not a money losing business. My company pays a lot every month for me to be a member of that health plan. I pay a little, but the lion's share is paid by my company. Within 30 minutes, my insurance company rep called with the news. "I don't know how it happened, but BetaPlus has agreed to pay for the deductible and your monthly cost is $0!" I just thanked her, but I hung up the phone knowing that they had never called BetaPlus until just now. Can I blame them? I don't. I realize that the people who work at the insurance company have processed many thousands, maybe millions of clients and they had no perception of anyone getting their prescription filled for $0. They had probably fielded so many calls from people thinking that the plan they signed up for wasn't supposed to work like that and they had no idea it would cost that much. There answer was always the same. "That's the plan you signed up for." A prescription for $0? That was totally out of the box thinking for them. So, they didn't even try until they were forced to, by my threat to cancel them. So, yes, I laughed after it was all said and done, but it was not a laugh that indicated that this was fun. It was a laugh that I was right and because I was persistent, it all turned out the way I had been telling everyone. They just weren't listening.

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